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Dear Participant,
Thank you for taking the time to participate in our survey, which aims to gather valuable insights into the landscape of architecture and architects' compensation in Nigeria. Your input is essential in helping us better understand the challenges and opportunities within the field, as well as the factors that influence salary structures and job satisfaction among architects in the country.
This questionnaire is divided into several sections, each addressing specific aspects of your professional life and experiences as an architect in Nigeria. Your responses will remain confidential, and your personal information, if provided, will be used solely for research purposes.
Your participation will contribute to a deeper understanding of the architectural profession in Nigeria and assist in shaping the future of the industry. Your feedback is highly valued, and we appreciate your time and effort in completing this survey.
Let's begin with Section 1, where we'll collect some basic personal information before delving into more detailed questions about your professional background, compensation, job satisfaction, future plans, and any additional comments you may have regarding architects' salaries in Nigeria.